Clinfx API Documentation


Description of REST APIs that can be used for searching Clinfx Database. All the server repsonses are in JSON format.



Authentication Schemes

  • HMAC-SHA1 Signature Based Authentication and some APIs doesn't need any Authentication

Base URI

Index of Resources and Operations

  1. Find Tests, Factors and ICDS
    1. Find matching tests in the database
    2. Find the matching factors in the database
    3. Find the matching ICD 9 values in the database
  2. Search Interactions
    1. Get API Key for Search (Step 1)
    2. Search for Interactions, when only test name known
    3. Search interactions, when only factor name known
    4. Search interactions, when test and factor name are both known
    5. Search interactions, when the ICD 9 value is known
    6. Search interactions, with a combination of parameters

1. Find Tests, Factors and ICDS


This section has APIs to list the set of available tests, factors and ICDs in the Clinfx database. There is no authentication scheme necessary for these APIs.

Resource URI

1.1 Find matching tests in the database


This API returns the list of tests that match the entered search term. A prefix search is performed and a list of matching factor names along with a unique "id" for each test is returned.



HTTP Method



not required


tests: [2]
0:  {
id: 2527
name: "Inulin"
1:  {
id: 2528
name: "Inulin Clearance"
The JSON response from the server returns the details of the two tests having the matching term "inulin" in it. The tests parameter also shows the total number of matches found (in the above example =2).

1.2 Find the matching factors in the database


This API returns the list of factors that match the entered search term. A prefix search is performed and a list of matching factor names, icd 9 values (incase present in the database) and a unique id for each factor is returned.



HTTP Method



not required


factors: [10]
0:  {
id: 2777
factorname: "Iron Sorbitex"
icd9: null
product: 1
1:  {
id: 2778
factorname: "Iron-Protein-Succinylate"
icd9: null
product: 1
2:  {
id: 2772
factorname: "Iron"
icd9: null
product: 1
3:  {
id: 2773
factorname: "Iron Deficiency Anemia"
icd9: 10585
product: 3
4:  {
id: 2775
factorname: "Iron Dextran"
icd9: null
product: 1
5:  {
id: 2776
factorname: "Iron Overload"
icd9: 9935
product: 3
6:  {
id: 4357
factorname: "Saccharated Iron Oxide"
icd9: null
product: 1
7:  {
id: 7020
factorname: "Iron-deficient Diet"
icd9: null
product: 2
8:  {
id: 7872
factorname: "Iron Sucrose"
icd9: null
product: 1
9:  {
id: 7873
factorname: "Iron Gluconate"
icd9: null
product: 1
The response from the server returns the details of the 10 matching factors having the term "iron" in it. The id parameter represents a unique id number. The factorname represents complete name of the matching factor. The icd9 provides the ICD 9 value for the corresponding factor, while the product parameter is irrelevant in the current context.

1.3 Find the matching ICD 9 values in the database


The following API returns the list of ICD 9 values that matches the entered search term. A prefix search is performed and a list of matching icd 9 values (incase present in the database) along with a unique id is returned.



HTTP Method



not required


icd9s: [10]
0:  {
id: 9572
code: "272.0"
1:  {
id: 9587
code: "272.1"
2:  {
id: 9610
code: "272.2"
3:  {
id: 9627
code: "272.3"
4:  {
id: 9640
code: "272.4"
5:  {
id: 9660
code: "272.5"
6:  {
id: 9669
code: "272.6"
7:  {
id: 9751
code: "272.7"
8:  {
id: 9800
code: "272.8"
9:  {
id: 9808
code: "272.9"
The JSON response from the server returns the details of the 10 matching ICD 9 values for search term "272". The icd9s parameter also shows the total number of matches found (in the above example =10).The parameter code has the respective complete ICD 9 value.

2. Search Interactions


This Search API looks for interactions in the clinfx database based on a various parameters like "test" name , "factor" name, "factortype", "mechanism", "icd" or "explanation". A combination of these various parameters can be entered for searching an interaction. Apart from these, a set of authentication parameters are also needed, which are "userid", "timestamp", "apikey" and "signature".

Resource URI

2.1 Get API Key for Search (Step 1)


The first step to use search API is to provide the "userid" (email id provided at the time of registration) and get back a valid "apikey" (token) from the server. This is a basic check to determine if the email id provided is that of a registered user. Also, an additional check is performed if there is a valid subscription for the entered user at the time of making the request for apikey. If the subscription has expired, the the apikey will not be returned. Users under the trial period also will obtain a valid apikey back. Each apikey (token) has a life time of 60 minutes after which it expires. Once expired, a new apikey (token) need to be generated, in the same manner.


Example[email protected]

HTTP Method



not required


apikey: "f5e4014085ede42a710841457"
The above response shows a valid apikey is returned from the server. For an invalid user, a null value is returned. The search API uses this "apikey" value as one of its input parameters.

2.2 Search for Interactions, when only test name known


This API uses the "apikey" generated in Step 1. A "test" name is entered to search for an interaction. All factor names which have an interaction recorded in the database, for the entered test name are returned. Along with returning the factor names, a count of how many interactions in the database for the respective factor and the entered test is also returned.


Example[email protected]&timestamp=1408542619&apikey=f5e4014085ede42a710841457&signature=9938da2c01e61d514675bec7025b558b177001e1

HTTP Method





total: 36
results: {
Acetazolamide: 1
Amiloride: 2
Aspirin: 2
Bilirubin: 1
Bopindolol: 2
Bumetanide: 1
Creatinine: 1
Cyclosporine: 2
Cyclosporine A: 1
Dextran: 1
Diazoxide: 1
Diltiazem: 1
Dopamine: 1
Etodolac: 1
Felodipine: 1
Food Ingestion: 2
Fructose: 2
Furosemide: 1
Glucose: 3
Gout: 2
Hemoglobin: 1
Hepatolenticular Degeneration: 1
High Sodium Diet: 1
Hydralazine: 1
Levodopa: 1
Mannose: 2
Methylprednisolone: 1
Nifedipine: 1
Old Age: 1
Phloridzin: 1
Pregnancy: 1
Renovascular Hypertension: 1
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: 1
Tertatolol: 1
Triglycerides: 1
Urea: 1
The response shows a total parameter with 36 factors returned. The results parameter shows the name of the factors and for each factor the count of number of interactions found. The following java code can be used for calculating the signature incase a java based client is used for making the REST calls. The Apache Commons Codec library link is also used in computing the signature.

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;

public class Hmac {

	public String computeSignature(final String baseString, final String key)
			throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
		final SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(),
		final Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
		byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(baseString.getBytes());
		byte[] hexBytes = new Hex().encode(rawHmac);
		return new String(hexBytes, "UTF-8");

Calculating the signature (HMAC SHA1 hash) requires two input parameters for the hashing function. One is the "baseString" and another being the "key". The "key" is a sceret key that will be communicated by Wiley, individually to the interested customers, who want to use the Clinfx APIs. The "baseString" is a combination of "userid"+"apikey"+"timestamp". "userid" is same as email id. Timestamp is whatever timestamp that can be generated at the client side. The "timestamp" is more or less used as a parameter to enable generating different signature values with each REST call. Hence it's irrelevant from which reference date the timestamp is calculated (but it should be number). The "apikey" is obtained as previously explained. Same "apikey" can be used for all searches for a span of 60 minutes after which it has to be re-generated.

So, for the example below:[email protected]&timestamp=1408542619&apikey=f5e4014085ede42a710841457&signature=9938da2c01e61d514675bec7025b558b177001e1  

The signature value "9938da2c01e61d514675bec7025b558b177001e1" is calculated by using the "baseString" for the hash function as "[email protected]" and the key value is the secret key (String) provided separatly to the customer.

2.3 Search interactions, when only factor name known


This API uses the "apikey" generated in step 1. A "factor" name is entered to search for an interaction. All test names which have an interaction recorded in the database, for the entered factor name are returned. Along with returning the test names, a count of how many interactions in the database, for the respective test and entered factor is also returned.


Example[email protected]&timestamp=1409218028&apikey=3b07e14092f16ed2a25117966&signature=b57495e1e809b0c4882f3dba8f4ffb133bc0a3fc

HTTP Method





total: 26
results: {
17-Hydroxycorticosteroids: 1
17-Ketogenic Steroids: 1
17-Ketosteroids: 1
Acetonitrile: 1
Albumin: 3
Ammonia: 1
Amphetamine: 1
Barbiturate: 1
Benzoylecgonine: 1
Bogen Test: 1
Cannabinoids: 1
Creatinine: 13
Estriol: 1
Ethanol: 5
Ethylene Glycol: 1
Glucose: 1
Ketones: 1
Lactate: 1
Methadone: 1
Opiates: 1
Osmolal Gap: 1
Phencyclidine: 1
Propoxyphene: 1
Urea Nitrogen: 2
Urobilinogen: 1
pH: 1
The response shows a total parameter with 26 tests returned. The results parameter shows the name of the tests and for each test the count of number of interactions found. The signature is computed as previously explained.

2.4 Search interactions, when test and factor name are both known


This API uses the "apikey" generated in step 1. Both "test" name and "factor" name are entered to search for interactions. All interactions matching the entered test and factor are returned. One single GET call returns a maximum of 10 interactions. If the number of interactions are more than 10, there is an option to navigate to the next set of interactions using start parameter.


Example[email protected]&timestamp=1409218028&apikey=3b07e14092f16ed2a25117966&signature=b57495e1e809b0c4882f3dba8f4ffb133bc0a3fc

HTTP Method





results: [9]
0:  {
id: 47402
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Jaundice may appear at the end of the 1st week of fever. Liver tests show hepatic decompensation of the intrahepatic type"
refid: 18497
referencetitle: "Communicable and Infectious Diseases"
journalauthors: "Top FH Wehrele PF (eds)"
publication: "7th edition"
publisher: "St Louis MO, CV Mosby"
journalyear: 1972
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: null
1:  {
id: 47417
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "May reach 65 mg/dL but is < 20 mg/dL in 66% of patients"
refid: 1244
referencetitle: "Textbook of Medicine. 14th edition"
journalauthors: "Beeson-McDermott"
publication: "Unknown"
publisher: "Philadelphia PA, WB Saunders"
journalyear: 1975
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: ""
2:  {
id: 47431
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Elevated values found in patients without clinically evident liver disease"
refid: 7263
referencetitle: "The Laboratory in Clinical Medicine"
journalauthors: "Halsted JA"
publication: "Unknown"
publisher: "Philadelphia PA, WB Saunders"
journalyear: 1976
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: ""
3:  {
id: 47444
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Increased in 50% of the patients"
refid: 19391
referencetitle: ""
journalauthors: "Wallach J"
publication: "Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, 3rd edition"
publisher: "Boston MA, Little Brown and Co"
journalyear: 1978
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: null
4:  {
id: 53150
test: "Bilirubin, Direct"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "Direct Bilirubin"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Conjugated Bilirubin"
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Hyperbilirubinemia, which is predominantly conjugated (direct), may reach 65 mg/dL but is < 20 mg/dL in 66% of patients"
refid: 1244
referencetitle: "Textbook of Medicine. 14th edition"
journalauthors: "Beeson-McDermott"
publication: "Unknown"
publisher: "Philadelphia PA, WB Saunders"
journalyear: 1975
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: ""
5:  {
id: 109781
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "May be associated with profound jaundice"
refid: 51147
referencetitle: "Liver disease and Laboratory Medicine"
journalauthors: "McFarlane I Bomford A Sherwood R eda"
publication: "Unknown"
publisher: "ACB Venture Publications, London"
journalyear: 2000
journalpages: ""
journalvolume: null
journalissn: ""
6:  {
id: 122889
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Observed with hepatocellular dysfunction caused by leptospirosis."
refid: 51541
referencetitle: "Jaundice"
journalauthors: "McKnight JT Jones JE"
publication: "American family physician."
publisher: ""
journalyear: 1992
journalpages: "1139-1148"
journalvolume: "45"
journalissn: "0002-838X"
7:  {
id: 122954
test: "Bilirubin, Conjugated"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "Conjugated Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Observed with hepatocellular dysfunction caused by leptospirosis."
refid: 51541
referencetitle: "Jaundice"
journalauthors: "McKnight JT Jones JE"
publication: "American family physician."
publisher: ""
journalyear: 1992
journalpages: "1139-1148"
journalvolume: "45"
journalissn: "0002-838X"
8:  {
id: 139360
test: "Bilirubin, Total"
testsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Bilirubin"
1:  "Total Bilirubin"
testterms: null
factor: "Leptospirosis"
factorsynonyms: [2]
0:  "Leptospirosis Icterohemorrhagica"
1:  "Weil's Disease"
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "100.9"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Increase"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Leptospirosis infections may present as acute hepatic injury."
refid: 52274
referencetitle: "Diagnosis and monitoring of hepatic injury. II. Recommendations for use of laboratory tests in screening, diagnosis, and monitoring"
journalauthors: "Dufour DR Lott JA Nolte FS Gretch DR Koff RS Seeff LB"
publication: "Clinical chemistry."
publisher: ""
journalyear: 2000
journalpages: "2050-2068"
journalvolume: "46"
journalissn: "0009-9147"
total: 9
start: 0
rows: 10
The response shows a total parameter with 9 interactions returned. The results parameter shows the details for each interaction. For each interatcion the id is a unique row id similar to a primary key. The test denotes the complete name of the test. testsynonyms are all the synonyms for the returned test. It can have a single value or null value or multiple synonyms. testterms denote the other similar tests which can be related to the returned test name. factor denotes the full name of the factor in the database. factorsynonyms denotes the synonyms for the factor. factorterms denotes the the other similar factors which can be related to the returned factor. icd9cm denotes the ICD 9 value for the factor name. specimen, mechanism, effect and explanation have their respesctive meaning for an interaction. refid, referencetitle, journalauthors , publication, publisher, journalyear, journalpages, journalvolume and journalissn are all relevant information regarding, from which journal the reference to this particular interaction is taken by the authors of Clinfx. if total is greater than 10, the next set of interactions can be obtained by providing start=10 in the REST call, while keeping other parameters the same.

2.5 Search interactions, when the ICD 9 value is known


This API uses the "apikey" generated in step 1. An ICD 9 value (fully or partially) can be entered and if matches are found, a list of interactions are returned. For example, entering 200.8 returns interactions for the exact matching factor, which is "Immunocytoma", while entering 200 returns factors with ICD9 value 200.1 ("Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated") and 200.8 ("Immunocytoma")


Example[email protected]&timestamp=1409218028&apikey=3b07e14092f16ed2a25117966&signature=b57495e1e809b0c4882f3dba8f4ffb133bc0a3fc

HTTP Method





results: [10]
0:  {
id: 3509
test: "Immunoglobulin G"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgG"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "No Effect"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma not significantly changed"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
1:  {
id: 3547
test: "Immunoglobulin D"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgD"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "No Effect"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma not significantly changed"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
2:  {
id: 3555
test: "Immunoglobulin E"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgE"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "No Effect"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma not significantly changed"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
3:  {
id: 3564
test: "Immunoglobulin M"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgM"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "No Effect"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma not significantly changed"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
4:  {
id: 3539
test: "Immunoglobulin A"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgA"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Poorly-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Decrease"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with poorly-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma significantly reduced"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
5:  {
id: 6298
test: "Immunoglobulin G"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgG"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Well-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Decrease"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma significantly reduced"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
6:  {
id: 6319
test: "Immunoglobulin M"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgM"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Well-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Decrease"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma significantly reduced"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
7:  {
id: 6307
test: "Immunoglobulin A"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgA"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Well-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Decrease"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma significantly reduced"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
8:  {
id: 6439
test: "Immunoglobulin E"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgE"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Well-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "Decrease"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma significantly reduced"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
9:  {
id: 6430
test: "Immunoglobulin D"
testsynonyms: [1]
0:  "IgD"
testterms: [1]
0:  "Immunoglobulins"
factor: "Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Well-differentiated"
factorsynonyms: null
factorterms: null
icd9cm: "200.1"
specimen: "Serum"
effect: "No Effect"
mechanism: "Physiological"
explanation: "Mean concentration in patients with well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma not significantly changed"
refid: 50293
referencetitle: "Biochemical tests in the diagnosis, classification, and management of patients with malignant lymphoma and leukemia"
journalauthors: "Goldberg DM Brown D"
publication: "Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry."
publisher: null
journalyear: 1987
journalpages: "1-76"
journalvolume: "169"
journalissn: "0009-8981"
total: 15
start: 0
rows: 10
The response shows a total parameter with 15 interactions found. The results parameter shows the details for each interaction. The next set of interactions can be obtained by providing start=10 in the REST call, while keeping other parameters the same.

2.6 Search interactions, with a combination of parameters


This API uses the "apikey" generated in step 1. A combination of test name, factor name, icd value, factortype, mechanism or none of these can also be used. Essentially it is a single URI that serves all the queries, with parameters being different. The fatcortype parameter can have any of the four values - herb , prean , disease or drug . The mechanism parameter can have any of the values - physiological or analytical.


Example[email protected]&timestamp=1409218028&apikey=3b07e14092f16ed2a25117966&signature=b57495e1e809b0c4882f3dba8f4ffb133bc0a3fc

HTTP Method


